Go Green with a Metal Roofing System

June 9, 2021

Go Green With a Metal Roofing System

If you’ve wind turbines spinning in the field, passed a Tesla on the road, or noticed solar panels on someone’s home, then you know our society is choosing to go “green”. As more environmentally-friendly options become available to the public, more people are adopting it in their lives.  Although you might not think a roof or roofing material could be friendly to the environment, metal roofs are, which is why a lot of commercial and residential properties are now choosing metal replacement roofs.

Skip the Landfill. Metal is recyclable.

When shingle roofs are torn off, they end up at the landfill, joining the other 13 million tons of shingle waste. Some companies are developing asphalt shingles with recycled content, but once they are removed when a roof is replaced, they are back at the landfill in most cases. At the end of its life, when replaced, metal roofing material can be completely recycled again and again like soda cans and scrap metal.

metal roofs are cooler?

Yes, you heard that right. Despite popular belief, metal roofs are the coolest option for warmer climates. Metal roofs reflect heat and with advanced coatings, they retain their color for years. Air conditioners work less to provide a comfortable environment inside of metal roofed homes, so your energy consumption and bills are reduced. Asphalt shingle roofs, on the other hand, have a hard time reflecting heat, so the heat is absorbed in your attic and your home. The shingle color also fades from UV exposure and disintegrate over time. Metal roofs also don’t release gas fumes into the atmosphere like asphalt shingles do with their tar and petroleum base, which makes metal roofing a greener choice.

metal roofs and Solar panels

Go greener all the way with solar panels on your metal roof! Metal roofs and solar panels go together like peanut butter and jam. Metal roofs integrate with solar panel installation perfectly, so you have a double cost savings on your utility bill. The solar panels are attached to the metal without penetrating your metal roof, wheras asphalt shingle roofs require dozens of holes drilled in your roof to attach mounting points.  Solar panel mounting brackets with metal roofs are easily installed beneath metal panels, or clamped onto the ribs between the panels. Metal roofs last up to 50 years, so the odds are it will outlast your solar panels. With asphalt shingle roofs, the solar panels have to be removed and reaffixed after a new roof is installed.

Choose the Green Roofing Option for Your Next Roof

In a world moving towards “green” choices, metal roofing is the best roofing option. Metal is fully recyclable, made from recycled material, reduces energy consumption, reduces landfill overflow, and is compatible with solar panels.

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